Volker Dellwo, Prof. Dr.
- Professor of Phonetics and Phonology
- Member of executive board LiZZ
- Steering Committee LiRI
- Tel.
- +41 44 63 42995
Francesco Gardani, Prof. Dr.
- Professor of Romance Linguistics
- Romanisches Seminar
- Leitungsausschuss LiZZ
- Tel.
- +41 44 63 43632
Alexis Hervais-Adelman, Prof. Dr.
- Head of the Neurolinguistics Division
- Tel.
- +41 44 63 57441
Melanie Röthlisberger, Dr.
- Universitätsbibliothek
- Open Science Services
- Tel.
- +41 44 634 51 06
Florian Sommer, Dr.
- Academic Associate
- Department of Greek and Latin Philology
- Department of Comparative Language Science
Sabine Stoll, Prof. Dr.
- Head of the Language Acquisition and Diversity Lab (ACQDIV)
- Director of the Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language Evolution (ISLE)
- Tel.
- +41 44 63 40231
Paul Widmer, Prof. Dr.
- Professor of Comparative Indo-European Studies
- Tel.
- +41 44 63 46401
Eva Zehentner, Dr.
- Senior Assistant in English Linguistics / SNSF postdoc
- Executive Board LiZZ
- Tel.
- +41 44 63 43556