Balthasar Bickel, Prof. Dr.
- Professor of General Linguistics
- Tel.
- +41 44 63 40220
Guido Seiler, Prof. Dr.
- Professor of Germanic Linguistics
- President of the executive board of LiZZ
- Tel.
- +41 44 63 42549
Francesco Gardani, Prof. Dr.
- Professor of Romance Linguistics
- Romanisches Seminar
- Leitungsausschuss LiZZ
- Tel.
- +41 44 63 43632
Johannes Kabatek, Prof. Dr.
- Professor of Romance Philology
- Executive Board of LiZZ
- Tel.
- +41 44 63 43610
Ann-Marie Moser, Dr.
- Postdoc am Deutschen Seminar
- Tel.
- +41 44 63 42567
Sebastian Sauppe, Dr.
- Oberassistent Ambizione SNF
- Leitungsausschuss LiZZ
- Tel.
- +41 44 63 40225
Philipp Striedl
- Postdoc SNSF-Projekt Variantenpragmatik