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Zurich Center for Linguistics


You are interested in linguistic events  at UZH and in and around Switzerland? Our weekly newsletter informs you about activities, calls, job advertisements in the field of linguistics and language science. Sign up here to stay-up-to-date on the latest events and news on linguistically relevant initiatives at UZH, Switzerland and beyond. 

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LiZZ Agenda

  • Fri, 21.2.
    16:15 Uhr
    21.2.2025, 16:15: Bonobo vocal communication and the evolution of compositionality
  • Mon, 24.2.
    16:00 Uhr
    24.2.2025, 16:00: “Analisemo” e “descrevimo”: o fenômeno da alternância vocálica na primeira pessoa do plural no Sudeste do Paraná
  • Tue, 25.2.
    16:15 Uhr
    25.2.2025, 16:15: The evolutionary origins of event cognition in hominids
  • Tue, 25.2.
    16:15 Uhr
    25.2.2025, 16:15: Deissi ambientale nei dialetti lombardi alpini: riflessioni etnolinguistiche e storiche a partire dai dati della Valchiavenna
  • Wed, 26.2.
    12:15 Uhr
    26.2.2025, 12:15: (1) Correlates of vocal tract evolution in human ancestors; (2) Unraveling the Dynamics of Infant Speech Development: Insights from Acoustics and Simulations
  • Thu, 27.2.
    16:15 Uhr
    27.2.2025, 16:15: Eine experimentelle Untersuchung zur Silbenstruktur im Russischen
  • Mon, 3.3.
    16:15 Uhr
    3.3.2025, 16:15: Te recomiendo/aconsejo {hacerlo ~ que lo hagas}: la evolución del infinitivo frente al subjuntivo desde los orígenes del español

Weiterführende Informationen

We welcome the launch of SSHOC-CH in Switzerland!

More about We welcome the launch of SSHOC-CH in Switzerland!

On April 24, 2024, the Social Science and Humanities Open Cluster Switzerland  was initiated. This initiative brings together over 60 leaders from national research infrastructures to enhance collaboration and support for scholars in the humanities and social sciences, aligning with the principles of Open Science and FAIR.


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