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Zurich Center for Linguistics

Vouchers for LiRI Services


Who can apply and which projects and services are covered?

LiZZ offers a limited number of vouchers to early career researchers (BA/MA students, PhD students, PostDocs) from the University of Zurich who wish to profit from free Statistical Consulting or Lab and Loan Equipment to successfully conduct their research project.

You can find the full list of LiRI services on the LiRI website:, please notice that only statistical consulting and lab and loan equipment are covered by the vouchers. 

The vouchers are intended for projects in the field of linguistics and for projects with language-related research without funding from any other source, e.g. URPP, NCCR, SNSF, EU for LiRI services.

Bachelor and Master students can use the services lab equipment and statistical consulting for free.


What do we need from you?

If you are interested in gaining free access to the LiRI services, please fill in the online form below and submit the consent of your supervisor.

Online Form: We would like to get an idea of your project which is why we ask you to hand in text snippets that include details on (1) the project description summarizing the goal of the project, (2) the experimental design and (3) the estimated costs. Please make sure that the project description explicitly states why the requested service is needed.

For the calculation of costs please consider LiRI’s regulation and fees: For expert time like statistical consulting or lab assistance you calculate with working hours (one hour currently 75 CHF).

Costs for the use of lab space and lab equipment are published in the LiRI Wiki. Please also consider the regulations for lab use: LiRI Lab Wiki.

Consent of your supervisor: The consent should be an informal letter or email in which the project is summarized and in which your supervisor confirms that the LiRI services cannot be covered by funding from any other source.


What happens once the form is submitted?

Once you have submitted the form, your request will be forwarded to the LiZZ Coordinator and Members of the LiZZ Executive Board. Requests exceeding costs of 500 CHF will be discussed with the LiZZ Executive Board who is in charge of the approval. 


What else is there to know?

Please note that the vouchers are limited. Requests will be considered on a first-come-first-serve basis. The vouchers are only applicable for the service(s) requested and for the specific purpose(s) as described in this form. Please note as well, that the actual availability of the requested services cannot be guaranteed by the voucher. After a positive feedback on your request you will have to get in touch with the point of contact for each of the specific services. You will receive further details in case your voucher request has been approved. 



Any further questions? Please contact the LiZZ Coordinator Sarah Krause.



Online Form to Apply for the Voucher for LiRI Services

(* = mandatory fields)

Please give a brief description of your project. Provide details on the project goal, the duration, the experiment design etc. No more than 250 words.

Please consider LiRI's regulation and fees:

(Please submit your supervisor's consent on your project description. The consent must also include a statement that the project costs cannot be covered alternatively (e.g. funding by URPP, NCCR, SNSF, EU etc.). PDF-Files only.)






Please note:

The LiZZ vouchers are not transferrable to other persons. They cannot be exchanged for cash in part or full. Payment is also excluded if the actual amount is less than the estimated costs. The vouchers are applicable for a duration of six months from the date of issue. You are allowed to apply repeatedly for vouchers up to a maximum of CHF 2’500.