Schick, Johanna; Fryns, Caroline; Wegdell, Franziska; Laporte, Marion; Zuberbühler, Klaus; van Schaik, Carel P; Townsend, Simon W; Stoll, Sabine (2022). The function and evolution of child-directed communication. PLoS Biology, 20(5):e3001630.
You, Guanghao; Daum, Moritz M; Stoll, Sabine (2020). Processing causatives in first language acquisition: A computational approach. In: Conference on Language Development / Proceedings of the 45th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston University, November 2020. Cascadilla Press, 818-828.
Collier, Katie; Radford, Andrew N; Stoll, Sabine; Watson, Stuart K; Manser, Marta B; Bickel, Balthasar; Townsend, Simon W (2020). Dwarf mongoose alarm calls: investigating a complex non-human animal call. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences, 287(1935):20192514.
Stoll, Sabine (2020). Sampling linguistic diversity to understand language development. In: Rowland, Caroline; Twomey, Katherine E; Ambridge, Ben; Theakston, Anna. Current Perspectives on Child Language Acquisition. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing, 247-263.
Stoll, Sabine; Schikowski, Robert (2020). Child-language corpora. In: Paquot, Magali; Gries, Stefan. A Practical Handbook of Corpus Linguistics. Cham: Springer, 305-329.
Blasi, Damian; Cotterell, Ryan; Wolf-Sonkin, Lawrence; Stoll, Sabine; Bickel, Balthasar; Baroni, Marco (2019). On the Distribution of Deep Clausal Embeddings: A Large Cross-linguistic Study. In: Korhonen, Anna; Traum, David; Màrquez, Lluís. Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Florence: Association for Computational Linguistics, 3938-3943.
Moran, Steven; Pajović, Danica; Stoll, Sabine (2018). Cross-linguistically Small World Networks are Ubiquitous in Child-directed Speech. In: Calzolari, Nicoletta. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018). Paris: European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 4100-4105.
Townsend, Simon W; Engesser, Sabrina; Stoll, Sabine; Zuberbühler, Klaus; Bickel, Balthasar (2018). Compositionality in animals and humans. PLoS Biology, 16(8):e2006425.
Stoll, Sabine; Mazara, Jekatarina; Bickel, Balthasar (2017). The acquisition of polysynthetic verb forms in Chintang. In: Fortescue, Michael D; Mithun, Marianne; Evans, Nicholas. The Oxford Handbook of Polysynthesis. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 495 - 514.
Townsend, Simon W; Koski, Sonja E; Byrne, Richard W; Slocombe, Katie E; Bickel, Balthasar; Boeckle, Markus; Braga Goncalves, Ines; Burkart, Judith M; Flower, Tom; Gaunet, Florence; Glock, Hans Johann; Gruber, Thibaud; Jansen, David A W A M; Liebal, Katja; Linke, Angelika; Miklósi, Ádám; Moore, Richard; van Schaik, Carel P; Stoll, Sabine; Vail, Alex; Waller, Bridget M; Wild, Markus; Zuberbühler, Klaus; Manser, Marta B (2017). Exorcising Grice's ghost: an empirical approach to studying intentional communication in animals. Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 92(3):1427-1433.
Moran, Steven; Schikowski, Robert; Pajović, Danica; Hysi, Cazim; Stoll, Sabine (2016). The ACQDIV Database: Min(d)ing the Ambient Language. In: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), Portorož, Slovenia, 23 May 2016 - 28 May 2016. European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 4423-4429.
Bavin, Edith; Stoll, Sabine The acquisition of ergativity. Edited by: Bavin, Edith; Stoll, Sabine (2013). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Stoll, Sabine; Lieven, Elena (2013). Studying language acquisition crosslinguistically. In: Winskel, Heather. Handbook of South and Southeast Asian psycholinguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 19-36.
Stoll, Sabine; Bickel, Balthasar (2013). Capturing diversity in language acquisition research. In: Bickel, Balthasar; Grenoble, Lenore A; Peterson, David A; Timberlake, Alan. Language Typology and Historical Contingency. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Co., 195 - 216.
Stoll, Sabine; Bickel, Balthasar (2013). The acquisition of ergative case in Chintang. In: Stoll, Sabine; Bavin, Edith. The acquisition of ergativity. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 183-207.
Gaenszle, Martin; Rai, Ichchha Purna; Pettigrew, Judith; Rai, Manoj; Bickel, Balthasar; Banjade, Goma; Bhatta, Toya Nath; Lieven, Elena; Paudyal, Netra P; Stoll, Sabine (2013). Resisting the state in East Nepal: the `Chintang incident' of 1979 and the politics of commemoration. In: Lecomte-Tilouine, Marie. Revolution in Nepal: an anthropological and historical approach to the People's War. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 97 - 113.
Bickel, Balthasar; Rai, Manoj; Paudyal, Netra P; Banjade, Goma; Bhatta, Toya Nath; Gaenszle, Martin; Lieven, Elena; Rai, Ichchha Purna; Rai, Novel Kishore; Stoll, Sabine (2010). The syntax of three-argument verbs in Chintang and Belhare (Southeastern Kiranti). In: Malchukov, Andrej; Haspelmath, Martin; Comrie, Bernard. Studies in ditransitive constructions: a comparative handbook. Berlin: De Gruyter, 382-408.
Lieven, Elena; Stoll, Sabine (2010). Language. In: Bornstein, Marc. Handbook of cultural developmental science. New York, London: Psychology Press, 143-160.
Stoll, Sabine; Bickel, Balthasar (2009). How deep are differences in referential density?.In: Guo, Jiansheng; Lieven, Elena; Budwig, Nancy; Ervin-Tripp, Susan; Nakamura, Keiko; Özçalişkan, Şeyda. Crosslinguistic approaches to the psychology of language: research in the traditions of Dan Slobin. London: Psychology Press, 543-555.
Rai, Ichchha Purna; Bickel, Balthasar; Lieven, Elena; Banjade, Goma; Gaenszle, Martin; Rai, Manoj; Paudyal, Netra P; Rai, Novel Kishore; Stoll, Sabine; Bhatta, Toya Nath (2009). Mundum: a case study of Chintang ritual language. In: Mukherjee, Rila; Rajesh, M N. Locality, History, Memory: The Making of the Citizen in South Asia. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 20-33.
Rai, Novel Kishore; Bickel, Balthasar; Gaenszle, Martin; Lieven, Elena; Paudyal, Netra P; Rai, Ichchha Purna; Rai, Manoj; Stoll, Sabine (2005). Triplication and ideophones in Chintang. In: Yadava, Yogendra P. Current issues in Nepalese linguistics. Kirtipur: Linguistic Society of Nepal, 205-209.
Gaenszle, Martin; Bickel, Balthasar; Banjade, Goma; Lieven, Elena; Paudyal, Netra P; Rai, Ichchha Purna; Rai, Manoj; Rai, Novel Kishore; Stoll, Sabine (2005). Worshipping the king god: a preliminary analysis of Chintang ritual language in the invocation of Rajdeu. In: Yadava, Yogendra P; Bhattarai, Govinda; Lohani, Ram Raj; Prasain, Balaram; Parajuli, Krishna. Contemporary issues in Nepalese linguistics. Kathmandu: Linguistic Society of Nepal, 33-47.
Stoll, Sabine (2003). Kognitive Entwicklung und Aspekterwerb. In: Haberzettl, Stefanie; Wegener, Heide. Spracherwerb und Konzeptualisierung. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 127-138.