Brunner, Tobias J; Purves, Ross S (2008). Spatial autocorrelation and toponym ambiguity. In: Proceeding of the 2nd international workshop on Geographic information retrieval, Napa Valley, US, 29 October 2008 - 30 October 2008, 25-26.
Tomko, Martin; Purves, Ross S (2008). Characterizing regions through content classification..In: GIScience 2008 - Fifth International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Park City, Utah, 23 September 2008 - 26 September 2008.
Jones, Christopher B; Purves, Ross S (2008). Geographical information retrieval. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 22(3):219-228.
Straumann, Ralph K; Purves, Ross S (2008). Delineation of valleys and valley floors. In: Cova, T J; et al. Geographic Information Science. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 320-336.
Edwardes, Alistair J; Purves, Ross S (2007). Eliciting concepts of place for text-based image retrieval. In: 4th ACM Workshop on Geographical Information Retrieval, CIKM 2007, Lissabon (P), 6 November 2007 - 10 November 2007. ACM, 15-18.
Dias, E S; Edwardes, A J; Purves, Ross S (2007). Analysing and aggregating visitor tracks in a protected area. In: 5th International Symposium on Spatial Data Quality, Enschede, 13 June 2007 - 15 June 2007. ITC - Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, online.
Derungs, Curdin; Purves, Ross S (2007). Empirical experiments on the nature of Swiss mountains. In: GISRUK 2007 Geographical Information Science Research Conference, Maynooth (Ireland), 11 April 2007 - 13 April 2007, online.
Laube, Patrick; Purves, Ross S; Imfeld, Stephan; Weibel, Robert (2007). Analysing point motion with geographic knowledge discovery techniques. In: Drummond, Jane; Billen, Roland; Joao, Elsa; Forrest, David. Dynamic and Mobile GIS: Investigating Changes in Space and Time. Boca Raton (USA): C R C Press, LLC, 263-286.